AWS re:Invent 2023 Superclips
First major freelance gig after my time with Feld Advertising. SiliconANGLE covers tech events and expos around the Silicon Valley and beyond, focusing especially on data companies. Truly, it’s all gibberish to me. But I was given a chance to help out SiliconANGLE create some so-called “superclips” for Amazon Web Services and the companies/clients that attended their big yearly expo in Las Vegas, re:Invent 2022. For every client and company member SiliconANGLE interviewed for their show/podcast, they wanted at least one superclip, which entailed cutting down the 20-30 minutes of footage into 30-60 seconds of advertising-friendly soundbites, along with snappy transitions, slick B-roll, and of course, nifty, custom motion graphics. While I don’t think I learned much more about the world of big data, this project was great because it lent me a lot of creative freedom to explore and expand my repertoire of practical motion graphics, and I got to put my advertising brain to use, as I also had a lot of creative choice over the soundbites used and how they were organized.
Web Editor