A Merry Midea Holiday
Not my first freelance editing gig since Feld Advertising, but the first true “assistant editing” work in almost a year. I was brought on with BarrelHouse, Pereira O’Dell’s production company, as an assist holiday-themed advert for Midea Appliances. It’s a tale as old as time, about a total Grinch who hates the holidays, but has a change of heart once he sees how easy the celebrations can be with the complete Midea Appliances kitchen set. This was a pretty classic, relieving assist gig: lots of starting and finishing work. The main delivery was a 60 second spot, but there were also 30 and 15 second cut-downs. I cut the 15 second spots, each one highlighting one of the appliances that appears in the full spot. This job was one of my first times doing a live edit with the production and creative team, and certainly my first time via Zoom. Plenty to learn going forwards, but hopefully this is just the first of many similar entries in this here portfolio.
Pereira O’Dell
Assistant Editor